Russian Kvas – The Summer drink

Russian Kvas - The summer drink

Kvas is an old Slavic drink, made from fermented bread. The first mention about Kvas was made in the 10th century, but nobody knows who and when it was invented, some historian say’s that the drink was made by mistake. But it’s an interesting question, as it was invented before the beer.

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Russian Sour Cabbage/Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is not Russian in origin, but like a lot of ancient dishes of Europe and Asia, it has taken root and developed a distinct flavor of its own in Russia. It was one of the most common dishes during fasts.

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Russian Caviar

Russian Caviar

The Caviar is made from salt-cured fish-eggs. Traditionally the term caviar refers only to roe from wild sturgeon in the Caspian and Black Seas (Beluga, Ossetra and Sevruga caviars).

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Russian Gingerbread – Pryanik

Russian Pryanik
Pryaniki is an Old Russian gourmandise that was made for special occasion.
The Pryanik was not a Russian creation, the firsts Honey-cookie was made en Egypt in 350 before JC. The Pryanik is similar to the “Speculoos” created in Belgium (Namur). In Russia they appeared in IX century.

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